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A Moment

woman enjoying the sunrise in peace

“In silence, God ceases to be an object and becomes an experience…”

– Thomas Merton

This time of year has many of us feeling like the metal ball in an old-fashioned pinball machine. We get pushed side to side and keep score of how much we can accomplish before tilting the machine.

What if???

What if we deliberately sat in relative silence as our minds emptied and healed? What if we took the time to connect with loved ones more than just at the holidays?

What if we gave our anxieties to God and developed a prayer mindset in silence as we begin the day? What if we sat for that moment, listened for God’s answer to our prayers and truly believed them?

It all starts with a moment, a moment of solitude, a moment of peace, and a renewed sense of hope in the goodness of humanity despite some of its actions. Once we commit to daily renewal of our spirits, we become better people and create a stronger society.

Are you ready? It’s time to take on the world, and as you do, know that I’m praying for you all!

Pastor Lou Strugala