Peggy's Posse and the Feeding Pantry
In 2023, Church by the Bay served 13,901 hot meals to homeless Veterans, 5,002 hot meals to homeless people on the streets, and 1,575 meals to senior citizens. We have given out 49,336 articles of clothing, shoes, blankets, undergarments, and hygiene kits to those who need them.
The volunteers for the food pantry, fondly known as “Peggy’s Posse” here at CBTB, work tirelessly to unload, unpack, stock shelves and maintain our little corner grocery store for those that “shop” with us. They do a tremendous job keeping food on the shelves. We work with a couple other Pantries to maintain our supplies. If one Pantry has an abundance of something and we have something they need, we will often trade so that they can maintain their shelves also.
The mission of Church by the Bay’s Feeding Ministry is to address the needs of God’s people with agape love where they are.
The vision of the Feeding Ministry is to feed the multitude every Thursday from 3:00-6:00 p.m.
Volunteer Information:
If you are interested in donating meals, reach out to us today!
Volunteers distribute meals to veterans and seniors in need. Home-cooked meals, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and more are taken to Veterans Haven in Winslow. We also donate to local senior citizens to supplement their meals for the month.
We are currently in need of volunteers for these areas:
Volunteer Information:
- keep count of meals distributed
- answer questions regarding changes to time or dates
- check the church kitchen prior to the arrival of workers
- check refrigerator for any prepared meals that may have been put there
- check the freezer for any possible meals that may have been donated
- check the table for any dry goods that have donated
Donations can be made in a number of ways. If you are not able to provide meals, you can donate using the button below.
If you would prefer to mail in your donation, please send donations to the following address:
Church By the Bay
PO Box 52
Northfield, NJ 08225
More About Meals
From oatmeal with fruit and PB&J sandwiches to homemade meals featuring meat, vegetables, carbohydrates, and dessert, our meal options are diverse and welcoming. We do not turn away or waste any meals, no matter how small they may be. Meals do not have to be hot upon delivery, as cold meals that can be reheated in the microwave are preferred, while bagged sandwich meals are also acceptable. Volunteers are not restricted by dietary requirements and can provide meals that are vegetarian, include pork, seafood, or any other option they would eat themselves. Every meal, regardless of its size, is appreciated and valued equally. Donating one meal is just as meaningful as donating 500.