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684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

A Blessing for Graduates

graduates tossing caps

Let’s pray together for all who have walked the walk and put in the time to graduate:

“Dear God, we thank You that Your huge favor, blessings, and powerful light surround all our graduates. We pray that Your Presence would continually shine upon them and that You be gracious to them and give them great peace. We ask that You help them to know just how much they are loved, especially by You. Make them constantly aware that You are always with them; fill them with the faith to believe Your words are true and that Your Spirit guides them. We ask that they find full confidence in the security and care our love provides them. And finally, Father, we ask that You boldly equip them for every purpose You have for their lives, and give them constant endurance to run the race well. In Jesus Name.  Amen.”

Pastor Lou Strugala