“I am the Lord your God Who heals you.” – Exodus 15:26
This morning’s news was troubling to hear. Fighting has resumed in the Middle East and lives are at risk once again. What must we do to make a difference?
Believe in the power of prayer, the resolve of faith-filled people, and the ultimate truth that all humans are created equal by God Almighty.
That’s more difficult than we can imagine because our human nature doesn’t always permit trust to be the foundation for discussion; indeed many times it’s just the opposite.
Today I invite you to join me and many others in prayer for the innocent people of Israel and Gaza, especially the children and elderly. Pray that Hamas loses its stranglehold on the region and conversation leading to peace begins in earnest.
Let’s pray:
Mighty and Merciful God, You created us in Your image and we need to be reminded of that fact at times. Your image of care and concern, of wisdom and compassion, of love and peace. Please send Your Spirit of Peace over the Middle East and allow conversation to take over where fighting and barbaric acts are occurring. Help us to recognize the part of You that dwells in all people and grant us peace beyond understanding. Amen.”
Please feel free to share this as we come together in prayer.
Pastor Lou Strugala