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Way Better than we can Imagine

“You will go out with joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the fields will clap their hands” – Isaiah 55:12

Dank, dreary days can bring our mood down and have an effect on almost everyone we come in contact with. And they can also make us a bit slower moving and lethargic.

That’s why Isaiah’s message is so important for us to take to heart, especially today.

Through this author, God is telling us to go ahead and leave the gloom behind because what He has in store for us is way better than we can imagine. The beauty of Creation trumps any momentary darkness and will set a tone to take us through the day with a lighter mood, and a relaxed, happier spirit.

So spend a moment this morning with God, listen, and let Him send you where life is best!

Praying you to experience joy today!

Pastor Lou Strugala