“…for it is God Who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose…” – Philippians 2:13
Virtually all the holy men and women throughout history followed Paul’s advice to the people of Philippi. Having that knowledge allows us to do His work, and care for His people and creation.
The difficult part has always been to separate that which is necessary for God’s purpose, from that which we do for ourselves. If we are open to God’s purpose, it often means relinquishing control to His larger vision, while focusing on the total results versus the minute-by-minute management of minutes. Sometimes that’s the most difficult part of any project, but if we become encouragers instead of managers, God’s purpose is served.
This week, let’s encourage one another, coach one another and help one another to find God’s purpose and hear His small voice emanating from our hearts.
Take care through the heat and storms, we’re praying for you!
Pastor Lou Strugala