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Never Forget

twin towers pre-9-11

“Be kind to each other. Love each other. Work together and do what you did the other night and the weeks and the months and the years before and from this house, God’s blessings go forth in this community. It’s fantastic!” – Fr. Mychal Judge, Firehouse Dedication Sermon on 9/10/01 – Victim #0001 on 9/11/01 – NYC Fire Department Chaplain

As we remember the tragedy of the lives lost that day in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania; as well as years afterward in desert battlefields, along with all the illnesses still being suffered, we can recall almost to the minute where we were, and our reaction to that fateful day.

Preparing this message was one of the most difficult of the past several years. Mostly because I was trying so hard to remember what I was doing on 9/10/01. It was a Monday evening and as hard as I tried, I could not recall where I was or what was occurring around me. I do know the world was a very different place and I was not in a place of appreciating the gift of life that God had given me.

So much has occurred since then, so much has changed, much for the better, some not so much. But we all changed society and the world itself.

On 9/12 and for about a year after, we came together as Americans, as humans, as children of God. Today, all these years and history later, let’s come together as we did then. Let’s appreciate God’s gift of life today as we did then. Let’s honor not only our heritage as Americans but also our common humanity with all of our Creator’s children.

As we remember, share a moment of reflection, a moment of kindness, a moment of care, and a moment of love as we pray for peace and protection.

God bless the USA!

Pastor Lou Strugala