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Preparing for the Savior

“Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies…” – Mother Teresa

Hectic holiday? Troublesome travel? Cyber Monday crunch?

The Thanksgiving holiday is past, and now Christmas carols are playing, more bright lights are shining every evening and the air is chilly.

Are we ready?

Are we ready to enjoy the season of peace, of family, of good will?

Probably not yet.

After all, we just went through feasting and shopping; family gatherings, and in many cases, praising and thanking God for all we have. We need just a bit of downtime in between…

I believe that’s what Mother Teresa meant by being faithful in the little things. Now is the time of preparation, of focus and getting organized, of introspection as we prepare for festivals of light, the birth of a Savior, and goodwill to all. We need to work on what divides us and treat those small issues so that when we get together, our focus is on the true meaning of the season.

“God is with us!”

Praying for you today, especially for those who need God’s healing. – Pastor Lou Strugala